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Normale Version: The Prophets Conference, Glastonbury 2011 "2013: DAY ONE" - Diana Cooper
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The Prophets Conference, Glastonbury 2011 "2013: DAY ONE" - Diana Cooper

Diana Cooper - At this powerful event in Glastonbury, England, taking place on the land of the ancient Druids, you will learn of the changing planetary cycle and how it could impact you; the disclosure of visitation; and the Native American prophetic teachings. Bringing together researchers, visionaries, and indigenous perspectives, The Prophets Conference Glastonbury 2013: Day 1 will be a combination of conference presentations, social gatherings, ceremony, and indepth experiential workshops with like minded individuals that will help us navigate this critical time we are in and imagine the world we want to see manifest. www.prophetsconference.com

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/t...z1icgV60K7







Ich gucks mir an wenn ich Lust zu habe xD Heart