Die 25 Videos bieten Hilfe und Vorschläge für jeden, um zu lernen wie man in Harmonie mit der Existenz leben kann, und somit Freude und Liebe im Leben zu erschaffen. Die Videos sind neutral. Die Videos distanzieren sich von jeglicher Art von Religion, Glauben-Systemen, oder politischen Ansichten von der Erde und kann daher NICHT in irgendeiner Weise in Verbindung gebracht werden. Bitte beachtet,
ich(ALAJE) bin nicht dafür verantwortlich für den Inhalt, falsche Handlungen oder Lügen von jeglichen anderen Dritten, die mit meinen
Namen(ALAJE) oder
Kanal(777ALAJE) in Verbindung gebracht werden. Kein echter spiritueller Lehrer kann verantwortlich gemacht werden, wenn jemand positive Vorschläge missbraucht und, verzerrt und verdreht sie in etwas negatives.
Wenn Du Informationen über
mich(ALAJE) willst, aktiviere eure LIEBE in eurem Herz, und frage das Kosmische Bewusstsein (Gott) oder Lichtwesen. Frage nicht Hasser im Internet. Wenn ihr auf Hass, Arroganz, Ego und Neid hört, könnt ihr nicht Licht und Wahrheit finden, und ihr bleibt in Dunkelheit und Hass.
Playliste aller Videos auf YouTube:
Teil 1:
Teil 2:
Teil 3:
Teil 4:
Teil 5:
Teil 6:
Teil 7:
Teil 8:
Teil 9:
Teil 10:
Teil 11:
Teil 12:
Teil 13:
Teil 14:
Teil 15:
Teil 16:
Teil 17:
Teil 18:
Teil 19:
Teil 20:
Teil 21:
Teil 22:
Teil 23 (Englisch):
Teil 24 (Englisch):
Teil 25 (Englisch):
Seminar in Dänemark (Deutsch):
Fragen und Antworten an und von ALAJE (Seite auf Englisch):
ALAJE was spenden und sonstige Informationen (Seite auf Englisch):
CDs/Musik von ALAJE kaufen:
Booklet-Inhalts-Beschreibung des 3 CD-Sets:
(Enthalten in Buchform in der originalen Verpackung des 3 CD-Sets) [CD-Set nicht mehr erhältlich, nur noch als Download]
The Existence is naturally inhabited on many different Universes and Dimensions. All Universes are inhabited by many different Humans, different species, and different life-forms. They are living in different densities, according to the dimension they are in.
In the lower dimensions where the Light energy is condensed in matter, they have a physical body.
As you move higher in the dimensions, the frequency is higher, the physical matter transforms into Light and there are beings of pure Light energy with an etheric body. There is no such thing as “science fiction”.
The Existence, the Source, is not limited.
Since thousands of years, Earth Humans are receiving guidance from higher spiritual realms of Light, or visitors from higher developed planets, to develop real Love in the Heart. Humans are everywhere in the Universes, on different dimensions, on different planets with different consciousness.
The spiritual guidance from the realms of Light is not always recognized or accepted on Earth, and it is often misunderstood, distorted and changed into religions and wars. Real Spirituality is the ability to be in tune with the Existence and has nothing to do with superstitions, doctrines, bigotry, oppression and exploitation of Earth Humans.
The guidance of the higher dimensions of Light can come in form of an energy, a spiritual initiation, an idea, it can come from incarnated extraterrestrials who provide artwork, melodic songs, real spiritual books, healings, and in many other ways.
In rare cases the guidance can come through direct contact with Light-beings, Angels, Spiritual Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Masters or through the Cosmic Consciousness itself.
Arguing, speculating and debating about the fact and reality of this guidance is futile. It is appearing since thousands of years all the time, despite the disbelief of many, who haven’t any experience with it yet.
Once we have the experience, and we understand the experience, we know. We don’t have to speculate anymore.
The etherical music from ALAJE the Pleiadian can help everybody to have those experiences too, by using the Light and Love frequencies that are embedded in the sounds of his CDs and Videos.
The spiritual assistance of the higher dimensions has the only purpose to help everybody to live with Love, Happiness and Peace, in tune with the Existence.
There are many Souls in the higher dimensions who wanted to assist Earth Humans more directly, to activate Light and Universal Love in the Heart, and they decided to incarnate, to be born on this planet in a physical body in this lower density.
The Pleiadian ALAJE is one of these Souls. He is incarnated from the Light-Dimensions of the Pleiadian Star-System, but in a rare way. A part of his Soul is incarnated in a physical body on Earth and the other part stayed in the higher dimensions of Light, I order to be able to act and help in many dimensions.
His Pleiadian name is ALAJE. His name has nothing to do with anything on Earth and can not be brought in connection in any way.
His name ALAJE is a Pleiadian name with Pleiadian Vibration. In the higher Dimensions your name results from the energy you have, it reflects the energy you are radiating and the energy you came from. It reflects the energy from the place from which you have the strongest energetic connection.
The Pleiades are inhabited on many dimensions and on thousands of planets, thus one can see Pleiadians with Human bodies in different densities. Some are looking physical in appearance and some have a Light-Body, according to what dimension and frequency they are.
These facts are not a belief-system of Earth Humans or reverie. Everybody can experience Universal Knowledge, Truths and higher spiritual science, by simply freeing himself from limiting belief systems and connecting with the Cosmic Awareness (the Energy-Source “god”) by having the frequency of real Love and spiritual Awareness in the Heart, and making personal experiences with higher spiritual realms of Light.
Everybody can communicate with the Cosmic Awareness (the Source), with Light beings, or spiritual humans from other planets, if he has the frequency of REAL UNIERAL LOVE in the Heart and a spiritual, loving Consciousness.
The CDs of ALAJE can help to achieve this goal easily and with joy. Because:
As a child, ALAJE had meetings and initiations with spiritual teachers from higher dimensions in order to activate his memory back. In the following years he had many sightings of spaceships and he has some video recordings and pictures of the ships too.
In 1995 ALAJE had a rare direct contact with his Star-family from the Pleiades. It was rare, because Light-beings have to lower their vibrations, in order to become visible in the physical Dimension. In this contact, seven Light-ships were hovering over the ground and four Light-beings were standing in front of him. One of them was himself from the future.
This contact happened, because it was agreed before ALAJE incarnated on Earth. Thousands of people had contacts with Humans from other planets and dimensions, and millions have seen spaceships in the sky.
The first contacts are happening with the own incarnated people, because they are prepared and they have tasks on earth regarding the energy transformation on Earth.
They help everybody to activate real Universal Love in the Heart, and thus be ready for the higher frequencies of Light, that planet Earth is receiving from the Source. This transformation process is subtle and slow and started in the 50es.
ALAJE helped thousands of Earth Humans to expand the consciousness and create Joy, Healthiness and Universal Love in life with Seminars, Lightworks, Music, Artworks, Videos and consultation talks in the Internet.
ALAJE presents the informations neutral, out of personal memories, experiences and knowledge from the realms of Light and he is providing help and suggestions for everybody who wishes to learn how to live in harmony with the Existence from a higher spiritual point of view (Not earthly belief systems).
The sound in his Audio CDs has embedded frequencies of the higher Light dimensions. He received the sounds and frequencies and created audio CDs in order to help everybody to achieve a higher state of consciousness and get easier in touch with the spiritual realms of Light and Cosmic Love.
CD 1 - Adjust to higher frequencies of Light
This CD contains sounds that ALAJE has received from lightbeings from the higher dimensions of Light.
These sounds are charged with the vibration and energy of Love, that is charging the physical and energetical bodies with spiritual Light.
You can feel how the energy comes through the Crown-Chakra and activates all the other Chakras (Energy centers of the body).
The Love-Frequency of these sounds are cleaning the Aura from negative energies, negative entities and astral parasites.
Negative energies can stick in the Aura when you have contact with negative, aggressive people, or when people abuse themselves with smoking, drugs alcohol or thoughts and feelings of hate, jealousy, arrogance, ego, greed, revenge, inferiority, weakness, fear, guilt, superstition and similar.
Negative energies are keeping the energy and the consciousness low and blocked.
The vibration of this CD is cleaning all these negative energies and allows you to feel the Love Energy of the higher dimensions, of the Cosmic Awareness again. The frequency of the music will attract Light-beings, Angels or spiritual guides to assist you if you wish so.
If you allow the Love frequency in this music to heal you, you will be able to expand your consciousness and self-love, and free yourself from negative energies in your life.
Only YOU are determining how fast or how powerful the cleansing and charging will be.
The Music is equalizing and balancing the Aura to an energy level that is the best for you at the moment.
After you have balanced your energy and you are charged with LOVE Frequency, you are ready to do the Lightwork Meditation in order to clean planet earth from negative energies.
Because Cosmic Love, is the solution for everything.
CD 2 - Positive Affirmations
This CD with positive affirmations, is a tool to heal psychological blockades, old negative programs, patterns and believe systems in your soul and consciousness, in order to create a life of love and joy.
Very often, blockades and negative mind-patterns are stored in the Soul, and are carried in each life, if we don’t listen to the talk of the Soul in order to heal them.
Many people on earth, are programming themselves unconsciously with negative, limiting mind-patterns and affirmations for many years or many lives, and are blocking themselves to live a healthy, happy life.
Thoughts, words, and feelings are energy, and have an impact in our lives, Negative thoughts are the cause for many negative energies, diseases, disappointments, or wars on this planet.
Only YOU can decide, if you want to live with blocking programs or not. Only YOU can change your reality in the NOW and re-program yourself with positive energies and positive thoughts that can change your life.
Affirmations work only if you put all your energy in it and you really want a positive change in your life. If you think that they will not work, you will have no success, because you gave more energy to your thoughts of failure.
The best energy we can use, is the frequency of real Cosmic, Universal Love.
It is the creative, power of creation and manifestation that is inside of everything and everybody. But we have to use this energy consciously.
Everybody has the possibility to connect with the unlimited power of the Cosmic Awareness.
Say inwardly the following Affirmations:
♥ I am one, with the Energy of the Source
♥ I am one, with the Cosmic Awareness that created me
♥ The Cosmic Awareness has given me the power to create the situations that I want
♥ I let go of the past and I live in the NOW.
♥ I am ready to change my life NOW and change everything that is disturbing me to achieve joy
♥ I understand that my true self is my Soul, that is part of the Cosmic Awareness
♥ I allow my soul to heal and teach me with Love
♥ I am able to heal myself on all areas
♥ I have the power to make changes in my life
♥ I am ready for Wisdom and Knowledge
♥ I am willing to expand the horizons of my thinking
♥ I use the Wisdom of all my experiences for the good of all
♥ I am ready for Love
♥ I find Love everywhere
♥ I learn easy and with Joy
♥ I always reach my goals in an easy way
♥ It is easy to change my thoughts and emotions into positive energies
♥ My thoughts and feelings are creating my future, because everything I send out comes back
♥ With loving thoughts and emotions, I am attracting the right people and the right situations for me
♥ I am open to receive all the Abundance of the Existence
♥ I have many possibilities in my life
♥ Everything I need, comes at the right time, if I create the right energy
♥ The Cosmic Awareness has many ways to send me what I need and what I want
♥ My consciousness and creativity is extending constantly
♥ My spiritual side is always active and my consciousness is constantly growing
♥ I love myself
♥ I treat myself with Love and healthy vegetarian food
♥ I am healthy
♥ I am brave without ego and arrogance, and I face my fears in order to heal them
♥ I am free from blocking energies, programs, and vices
♥ I am free from belief systems, I am free from control and suppression
♥ I am not restricted by negative, limited beliefs from my family or society
♥ I am not depending on anybody and I am taking responsibility for my life
♥ Everybody is responsible for his own life
♥ I am independent and make my own decisions in tune with Light and Love
♥ My motives are in tune with the Existence, in tune with the Cosmic Awareness
♥ I am friendly, loving and compassionate
♥ I have sympathy in my Heart
♥ I am giving and receiving Love
♥ I use my talents in the service of the Light
♥ I am careful of what I say, because words are energy and have the possibility to manifest
♥ I am thankful for all the good things in my life
♥ I am living a life of love
♥ I use Love to transform any blocking energy
♥ I use Love energy, to create a loving, peaceful earth-society
♥ Love is the biggest power there is, because it is the power of the Cosmic Awareness
CD 3 - HU Mantra
The sound-frequency HU is the sound-frequency of the Source.
The word “HUman” derive from the sound HU, and means that we are all part of the Cosmic Awareness. We are all children, particles or fragments of the Cosmic Awareness, the Source.
The Sound Mantra HU is known everywhere in the Universe and even on ancient Earth. The mantra HU has nothing to do with any religion or belief system. The sound HU is higher spiritual science and creates a vibration that is enhancing our consciousness in order to connect easier to the Cosmic Awareness, the Source of all Sources.
Singing the sound HU retunes your nervous-system just like tuning a musical instrument and draws us closer to a higher state of consciousness. The sound HU is harmonizing negative frequencies.
When we sing HU, we harmonize our atoms, our Chakra points, and our energy bodies. This releases us from the negative vibrations such as fear, anger, sadness, depression or ego, hate, arrogance, and jealousy and we achieve a HU-MAN-TRAnsformation.
The sound-frequency HU is pronounced in English [Hee-Yuu] and should be used at least 12 times, as ALAJE THE PLEIADIAN sings on the CD.
This will create a vibration of Light and Love, and we stay positive and protected from negativity in our surrounding environment.