Just wait and see
With Compassion-rain
God will clasp your life-dreams.
Just wait and see.
With Liberation-train
God will carry your heart-blossoms
To His Promise-Paradise.
Just wait and see.
With Perfection-reign
God will offer you
His Throne of Infinity's Silence-light
His Crown of Eternity's Sound-might.
Just wait and see.
- By Sri Chinmoy
Arise! Awake!
Arise, awake, O friend of my dream.
Arise, awake, O breath of my life.
Arise, awake, O light of my eyes.
O seer poet in me,
Do manifest yourself in me and through me.
Arise, awake, O vast heart within me.
Arise, awake, O consciousness of mine,
Which is always transcending the universe
And its own life of the Beyond.
Arise, awake, O form of my meditation transcendental.
Arise, awake, O bound divinity in humanity.
Arise, awake, O my heart's Liberator, Shiva,
And free mankind from its ignorance sleep.
Thou art my Lord, my golden dream,
Thou art my life in death.
O bless me with Thy Hope Supreme,
Lord of the Eternal Breath!
Agelong the vision of Thy Sun
For darkness have I sought.
I know the evils I should shun
And quickly bring to nought.
The earth is deaf and blind, my Lord;
Its true goal it denies.
It hears no voice, no heavenly word
From those who seek the skies.
O yet I feel Thy kingly Grace
With my feeble mortality.
I shall win at last the Noonward Race,
Plunge in the Nectar-Sea.
- Sri Chinmoy
Between Nothingness and Eternity
Barren of events,
Rich in pretensions
My earthly life.
My real name.
Wholly unto myself
I exist.
I wrap no soul
In my embrace.
No mentor worthy
Of my calibre
Have I.
I am all alone
Between failure
And frustration.
I am the red thread
And Eternity.
O Bird of Light
One thought, one tune, one resonance-
Who calls me ever and anon?
I know not where I am.
I know not whither I shall go.
In dark amnesia,
Myself I buy, myself I sell.
All I break, again all I build.
All I hope to be mine, mine alone.
Alas, my heart is eclipsed
By dark and wild destruction night.
O Bird of Light, O Bird of Light,
With your glowing and flowing flames
Do enter into my heart once again.
You are calling me to climb up
And fly into the blue.
But how can I?
My heart is in prison,
In the strangled breath of a tiny room.
O Bird of Light, O Bird of Light,
O Bird of Light Supreme.
In me, I pray, keep not an iota of gloom.
The Supreme
Father, I have seen.
Father, I have known.
Father, I have felt.
Father, I have become.
Father, I Am.
Where Is The Truth?
O Lord, where is the Truth?
"Where your Beloved is."
Who is my Beloved, Who?
"In Whom your life is peace."
I Sing, I Smile
I sing because You sing,
I smile because You smile.
Because You play on the flute
I have become Your flute.
You play in the depths of my heart.
You are mine, I am Yours:
This is my sole identification.
In one Form
You are my Mother and Father eternal,
And Consciousness moon, Consciousness sun,
All pervading.
One Truth
One truth to learn:
Ignorance is naught.
One truth to follow:
The path of Grace.
One truth to live:
Forget Him not.
One truth to be:
His Heart and Face.
Your Nectar Compassion
You are beautiful, O Being Absolute,
I am Your slave.
In Your Victory is my victory,
My endless rapture.
My heart has suffered infinite pangs to know You.
Therefore I hurl the arrows of my sulk venom
At Your Heart.
Freed from errors, thought abolished,
No desire have I now.
O Beauty Transcendental,
I am the slave of Your Nectar Compassion.
The Mother Supreme
Soul stirring eyes of gold delight,
All where reigning supreme-
Our blind secrecy's dream
She seizes with Her all forgiving Sight.
Torn now asunder our ego's screen,
Under Her Smile of Grace
Blooms quick our surrender's face.
She paves the way to a life evergreen.
O My Lord of Beauty
You are beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful,
Beauty unparalleled in the garden of Eden.
Day and night may Thy image abide
In the very depth of my heart.
Without You my eyes have no vision,
Everything is an illusion, everything is barren.
All around me, within and without,
The melody of tenebrous pangs I hear.
My world is filled with excruciating pangs.
O Lord, O my beautiful Lord,
O my Lord of Beauty,
In this lifetime, even for a fleeting second,
May I be blessed with the boon
To see Thy Face.
A Little
A little joy have I of ceaseless joy,
A little day of timeless day.
Yet knows no bound this empty show of mine;
I march along a goalless way.
O Love! A desert within me ever pines.
Do turn it into a song of dawn.
I know not in what hour of evil night
Thou art, my Lord, from me withdrawn.
Life now must reach Thy Breath of Bliss supreme,
Make Thee the one and only Guide.
Thou art the Bridge between my death and birth;
O let my longings in Thee abide.
I Shall Listen
I shall listen to Your command, I shall.
In Your sky I shall fly, I shall fly.
Eternally You are mine, my very own.
You are my heart's wealth.
For You at night in tears I shall cry,
For You at dawn with light I shall smile.
For You, for You, Beloved, only for You.
O Imagination!
Imagination, O Imagination!
You are my life's adoration.
You I shall not keep afar.
Imagination, O Imagination!
In false, binding lies I shall not cry;
I shall not welcome the life of impurity's ugliness.
With paltry victory I shall not smile and rejoice.
Imagination, O imagination!
To death's call I shall not respond.
The soul am I; no death have I.
No more, never, shall I walk along the wrong path.
Imagination, O imagination!
O My Boatman
O my Boat, O my Boatman,
O message of Transcendental Delight,
Carry me.
My heart is thirsty and hungry,
And it is fast asleep at the same time.
Carry my heart to the other shore.
The dance of death I see all around.
The thunder of destruction indomitable I hear.
O my inner Pilot, You are mine,
You are the Ocean of Compassion infinite
In You I lose myself,
My all in You I lose.
Another Day
Another day, another day,
My Lord Supreme is far away.
Another day, my heart can be
The all giving breath of patience tree.
Another day, my life can feed
My soulful world with its crying need.
Another day, I own to hear
God's Voice of Light and feel Him near.
Another day, another day,
My tears shall win His blue gold Ray.
Another day, another day,
And then, no more my ignorance clay.
Another day, I'll be God's Love
Within, without, below, above.
My Father-Son
O Supreme, my Father Son,
Now that we two are one
And won by each other won,
Nothing remains undone.
Love is This, Love is also That
Love is the road that leads
Our souls to union vast.
Love is the passion-storm
That sports with our vital dust.
Love's child is emotion-flame.
Love's eyes are freedom, fear.
Love's heart is breath or death.
And love is cheap, love dear.
The Golden Flute
A sea of Peace and Joy and Light
Beyond my reach I know.
In me the storm-tossed weeping night
Finds room to rage and flow.
I cry aloud, but all in vain;
I helpless, the earth unkind
What soul of might can share my pain?
Death-dart alone I find.
A raft am I on the sea of Time,
My oars are washed away.
How can I hope to reach the clime
Of God's eternal Day?
But hark! I hear Thy golden Flute,
Its notes bring the Summit down.
Now safe am I, O Absolute!
Gone death, gone night's stark frown!
Struggle's Gloom
With a blank sorrow, heavy I am now grown;
Like things eternal, changeless stands my woe.
In vain I try to overcome my foe.
O Lord of Love! Make me more dead than stone.
Thy Grace of silent Smile I never feel;
The forger of evil stamps my nights and days.
His call my sleepless body ever obeys.
My heart I annihilate and try to heal.
The dumb earth-waste now burns a hell to my soul.
I fail to fight with its stupendous doom,
My breath is a slave of that unending gloom.
For Light I pine, but find a tenebrous goal.
Smoke-clouds cover my face of Spirit's fire;
Naked I move in night's ignorance deep and dire.
I Remember
I remember ...
My mother loved me, her world.
My father loved me, his dream.
My home loved me, its 'supreme'.
I remember ...
I prayed with the blooming dawn,
I played with the glowing sun.
My life, the nectar fun.
I remember ...
I sang with the twinkling stars,
I danced with the floating moon.
All lost, alas, too soon.
I remember, I remember, I remember.
Sweet, Sweeter, Sweetest
Sweet is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the Eternal Truth.
Sweeter is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the only Doer.
Sweetest is my Lord.
Him I have realised as the Enjoyer Supreme.
The Pilgrims of the Lord Supreme
We are the Pilgrims of the Lord Supreme
On the Path of Infinity.
At this time we have broken asunder
Obstruction's door.
We have broken asunder the night
Of tenebrous darkness, inconscience
And the eternal, indomitable fear of death.
The Boat of the supernal Light's Dawn
Is beckoning us,
And the World Pilot
Of the hallowed bond of Love Divine
Is beckoning us.
The Liberator's Hands are drawing us
To the Ocean of the great Unknown.
Having conquered the life breath
Of the Land of Immortality,
And carrying aloft the Banner
Of the Lord Supreme,
We shall return:
We, the drops and flames
Of Transformation Light.
Within, without the cosmos wide am I;
In joyful sweep I loose forth and draw back all.
A birthless deathless Spirit that moves and is still
Ever abides within to hear my call.
I who create on earth my joys and doles
To fulfil my matchless quest in all my play,
I veil my face of truth with golden hues
And see the serpent night and python day.
A Consciousness Bliss I feel in each breath;
I am the self amorous child of the Sun.
At will I break and build my symbol sheath
And freely enjoy the world's unshadowed fun.
O Light of the Supreme!
O Beauty non pareil, O Beloved,
Do burn the fire of beauty and splendour
Within my heart.
By loving You, eternally beautiful I shall be.
May Lord Shiva's destruction dance
Destroy all shackles of the finite.
May the Light of the Supreme inundate me,
My heart, my heart, my all.
Having loved the Infinite,
The heart of gloom is crying
For the bloom of Light.
O Life Infinite, give me the eternal hunger,
The tiniest drop will lose its raison d'etre
In the heart of the boundless ocean.
In fire and air Your Life of the Spirit I behold.
O Beauty, O Beauty's Gold,
O Light of the Supreme!
I feel in all my limbs His boundless Grace;
Within my heart the Truth of life shines white.
The secret heights of God my soul now climbs;
No dole, no sombre pang, no death in my sight.
No mortal days and nights can shake my calm;
A Light above sustains my secret soul.
All doubts with grief are banished from my deeps,
My eyes of light perceive my cherished Goal.
Though in the world, I am above its woe;
I dwell in an ocean of supreme release.
My mind, a core of the One's unmeasured thoughts;
The star vast welkin hugs my Spirit's peace.
My eternal days are found in speeding time;
I play upon His Flute of rhapsody.
Impossible deeds no more impossible seem;
In birth chains now shines Immortality.
The Absolute
No mind, no form, I only exist;
Now ceased all will and thought;
The final end of Nature's dance,
I am it whom I have sought.
A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
I face the One alone.
I have crossed the secret ways of life,
I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
I am the way, the God-Soul.
My spirit aware of all the heights,
I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;
My cosmic play is done.
No more my heart shall sob or grieve.
My days and nights dissolve in God's own Light.
Above the toil of life my soul
Is a Bird of Fire winging the Infinite.
I have known the One and His secret Play,
And passed beyond the sea of Ignorance Dream.
In tune with Him, I sport and sing;
I own the golden Eye of the Supreme.
Drunk deep of Immortality,
I am the root and boughs of a teeming vast.
My Form I have known and realised.
The Supreme and I are one; all we outlast.